Critique Night with Andrew Hamilton

John McKenzie House 34 Parkview Ave., North York

This event will take place at the John McKenzie House at 34 Parkview Ave. in person. Please arrive with one or two paintings ready to be critiqued by Andrew and hopefully to be ready for the North York Civic Center Art Show in late November.

Part II with Gary Smith and the Wonders of Pastel Painting via Zoom

Zoom meeting

This Tuesday GET READY to draw a Portrait of your choice. Get a photo of an individual you would like to draw/paint I suggest you have a front or 3/4 view. Make sure the photo is large enough to see details. Gary will instruct us on the basic steps required to create a good foundation […]

Life Drawing In Person – male model

John McKenzie House 34 Parkview Ave., North York

Life drawing will take place at John McKenzie House at 34 Parkview Ave. in person. Please arrive early for set up around 6pm. Start drawing at 6:30pm. Bring your portable easel and drawing equipment

Paint Night – VIA ZOOM

Zoom meeting

Glenda will send out a copy right free photo a few days prior to this night so WGA members can prepare for a paint along evening...Members will paint their own version of the photo in their favourite medium for 1 hour and then we will share our almost finished work with each other via zoom. […]

Portrait Drawing in person

John McKenzie House 34 Parkview Ave., North York

Portrait drawing each other in person at John McKenzie House, 34 Parkview Ave. Please arrive around 6pm so we can set up and start drawing or painting. Bring your portable easel and your preferred drawing materials.


North York Civic Centre 5100 Yonge Street, Toronto

Please arrive between these hours to drop-off Juried Paintings that were accepted into show. Hanging fee $5.00 per painting------ Volunteers needed for set-up and take down. more to follow

Life Drawing – Female model

John McKenzie House 34 Parkview Ave., North York

Life drawing in person at John McKenzie House, 34 Parkview Ave. Please arrive early for set up. Bring your portable easel and drawing materials. We will start at 6:30 pm.

The Monthly Theme-Collective via Zoom

Join us this Tuesday at 1:00pm via Zoom to discuss the PAINTING THEME for the month of January.... FLIGHT Take this word and work your magic in the medium of your choice. Abstraction or realism. Collage or mix media. Use acrylics, oils, watercolour, pastels etc. AND we will meet again on Tuesday, Feb. 6, at […]

Life Drawing – at McKenzie House

Life Drawing Class with Model - in Person at The John McKenzie House 34 Parkview Ave., North York Arrive at 6pm to assist in setup and start drawing at 6:30pm Please bring your art supplies- Graphite Charcoal Conte & Newsprint paper or Manila paper or Sketching paper (Large scale paper pads is best- 22x30 inches) […]

Andrew Sookra Zoom Demo

WGA members may start signing in to watch this demo anytime after 6:30pm. Say Hello to fellow members and chat about art. At 7pm we will start demo.